Beauty Lesson We Can All Learn From Gwen


This photo of Gwen Stefani out and about in London this week got me to thinking about one beauty lesson we can all learn from her.

Even though she was just out and about hanging with her two sons, Gwen had on some amazing bright red lipstick. Of course she did, right? It’s her signature beauty move. She’s been wearing red lips since I developed my first girlcrush on her in 1996, when No Doubt’s “Don’t Speak” video was in heavy rotation on MTV (back when MTV played videos).

Still love that video!

But anyway, Gwen has managed to make the red lips her thing, and I think it’s so cool that she (mostly) sticks to her thing year in and year out, no matter what the beauty trends are. I think that’s the important lesson for all of us–you know better than anyone else what looks good on you and what reflects your personality, so feel free to embrace that certain lipstick or nail polish or black liquid liner or whatever other beauty item makes you happy. Who cares whether it makes the list of a certain season’s trends?

(Aside: When I had the chance to interview Gwen for a magazine story once, the first thing I had to ask about was the red lipstick. She shared that she usually just swipes it on straight from the tube, but sometimes she’ll add lip liner to make it look more polished.

I wish I could say I have a signature beauty move of my own, but I can’t think of anything. I do always curl my eyelashes (and have done so for as long as I can recall)!

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