Super-Kawaii New HL Bags at Karmaloop
Check out cool new Harajuku Lovers bags at Karmaloop,including a cute new Ballerina Girls print:
Check out cool new Harajuku Lovers bags at Karmaloop,including a cute new Ballerina Girls print:
There had been rumors this week that Gwen and Gavin’s son Zuma had accidently broken his arm after a fall in their Beverly Hills home-we didn’t want to post about it since the story had originated from The National Enquirer,which is typically an unreliable source,and because we felt that even
Hey guys! Only a few days left to vote! Vote for the next concert to be added on EIT!! [polldaddy poll=5094268]
There’s a big Harajuku Lovers bags and jewelry at ideeli starting today and ending Monday,June 6! HERE is an invite link if needed. Don’t forget,there is also a Harajuku Lovers womens and kids clothing sale at HauteLook that is ending Monday,as well.
Canadian fashion designer and longtime No Doubt fan Lisa Drader-Murphy has shared her video and story of meeting Gwen at the May 16 cocktail party for the film “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan” at Cannes-not surprisingly,she says that Gwen was as gracious as ever to the fans! We met
Oooh,those look yummy! Hope ND enjoy the sweet treats and have fun in the studio today! Someone brought this to the studio today. major problem for me! -Tom EDIT-Wow,awesome news-Tom tweeted that band talked to journalists and took some photos in the studio today! The wait is almost over!
Thanks to Gwen Ann for finding and sharing additional HQ photos from Gwen’s 2007 Hewlitt-Packard commercial and ad campaign.
How cool-The Gloss has named Gwen its Friday Style Icon this week for her classic 90s style and has put together a slideshow of some of her awesome Tragic Kingdom-era fashions. Gwen Stefani’s outfits are admirably consistent, in that she always looks like herself. Thus, it’s hard to criticize even
Thanks to Alicia on the No Doubt forum for sharing,Gwen and Gavin are #11 on Canadian music channel AUX TV’s list of the Top 15 Musical Power Couples! They certainly both rock-the fans are so excited for the release of the new No Doubt and Bush albums this year. Everyone
Continue ReadingGwen & Gavin #11 on Top Music Power Couple List
StyleSpot has put Gwen’s flawless style in the spotlight in its fashion newsletter today,giving fans tips on how to take a page or two from her style notebook.The site also has a Style Guide detailing Gwen’s past fashions and where to shop for them. It’s hard to believe that Gwen
Just to mention it,HauteLook is having a Harajuku Lovers kids’ clothing sale starting today-HERE is an invite link for anyone who needs one. EDIT- There’s also a Harajuku Lover’s Womens clothing sale starting today at HauteLook-both sales end Saturday,be sure to check them out! **UPDATE** The sale has been extended
Savvy & Co. is hosting a L.A.M.B. & Harajuku Lovers handbag sample sale in New York City from June 14-16,and if you RSVP on the Savvy & Co. facebook event page HERE,you will be entered to win a L.A.M.B. bag! Good luck to anyone going to the sample sale!! From
Continue ReadingL.A.M.B. & Harajuku Lovers Sample Sale June 14-16