Hey guys! Our poll about pap pics is now closed and the winner option was to only post the most relevant pics and avoid the super invasive ones! Good and wise choice No Doubters 😉 [polldaddy poll=5148540]
Hey guys! Our poll about pap pics is now closed and the winner option was to only post the most relevant pics and avoid the super invasive ones! Good and wise choice No Doubters 😉 [polldaddy poll=5148540]
Don’t forget to cast your vote on our poll! Only a few days left! [polldaddy poll=5148540]
What is your opinion on the paparazzi photos of Gwen and No Doubt? EIT is torn on the subject. While we understand that they are a huge invasion of their privacy and have stopped posting them, we also understand that fans want to see what ND is up to. I