”Glee” actress Dianna Agron has posted an awesome tribute to No Doubt on her website! In the post,she says how the Tragic Kingdom and Return of Saturn albums were ”staples” for her while she was growing and helped her get through her youth. She also posted a bunch of classic No Doubt music videos,live performances and interviews-we love how she is such a huge fan!!
I am not going to be able to take these off the rotation for about a week. Oh my! How have I gone so long without a proper No Doubt refresh?? Talk about two albums that helped me through my youth. Tragic Kingdom and Return of Saturn were staples. I played those two discs until they would play no more. Here’s to you Gwen, Tom, Tony and Adrian.
My teenage heart gets so excited when I play this song. Oh, I can’t tell you how many times I’d play this and sing along at the top of my lungs. I had no emotional similarity, but it just made me feel so good.
Another song I used to belt to. I wish I could see teenage me rocking out right now. You know, a video. Smiling at the visual in my mind. Thirteen. Strangely skinny. Braces.
Another classic. Always a crowd pleaser.
“You’re just like my Ken and Barbie doll. You dress up and play the game.”
The queen of pink. Smashing those wedding cakes must have been fun! That looks like the Hollywood Forever cemetery. In fact, I am almost 100% sure of it.
We always wanted to be as badass as Gwen Stefani. Still do. Gwen rocks.
For all the Exes. “I find myself trying to change you/ If you were meant to be my lover then I wouldn’t have to.” I want her hair. Also, Adrian’s.
They should have done a video for this song. Love this song.
Cool vintage interview….love that they are sittin on the floor.
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Dianna agron is perfect girl !