No Doubt NOT Working with Detail

Tom just tweeted to confirm that No Doubt is NOT working with hip-hop producer Detail on the new album,despite quotes from Detail himself that he was working with them. We don’t understand why Detail would say he was collaborating with the band when he was in fact not,but thanks VERY much to Tom for clearing it up!

“@beaconstreet: CONFIRMED: No Doubt working with hip-hop producer Details on new album! …” Not true, fiction! -Tom

EDIT-Tom tweeted again to say that the band never even met Detail. Again,we have no idea why Detail would say he was working with the band,but we apologize for any confusion. Much thanks again to Tom for clearing this whole thing up!

@beaconstreet Not sure about the origin of this story, never worked with him, never met him. Tom

**UPDATE** Our friends at Beacon Street Online just received a direct message on Twitter from Detail,in which he said that Interscope CEO Jimmy Iovine booked studio time for Detail to write and produce for No Doubt. BSO attempted to message Detail back,but was unable to. This whole story is getting more and more bizarre,but we trust Tom’s word that the band was unaware of any potential collaboration between themselves and Detail.

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