Harajuku Mini Giveaway! (CLOSED)

Congratulations to ahkeyisaSTAR!! You are the lucky winner of our giveaway!!! We’ve already sent you an email, please answer us back with your shipping address! Thank you to everyone who has participated, we will have another contest or giveaway soon!


ahkeyisaSTAR, please answer us by Wednesday August 17, 2011 at 10am EST to claim your bag! If we don’t hear from you we will have to pick a new winner! Thanks!


We are excited to be giving away a brand new Harajuku Mini Jersey Messenger Bag! Below is a video showing what the bag looks like and how to enter. This giveaway is international. This giveaway will end on August 12, 2011 @ midnight EST. There are 2 mandatory items (these are in bold):

1. “Like” EIT on Facebook
2. Follow EIT on Twitter
3. Tweet about this giveaway (you can do this once a day, each day you do this it counts as an additional entry)
4. Leave a comment in this post about why you love EverythingInTime.com (only 1 comment will be counted as an entry)
5. Subscribe to EverythingInTime on YouTube
6. “Like” the video on YouTube

You will have to use the widget below the video. It will ask for your email address, name and information for each entry. If you have any questions please email us at: eit.nodoubt@gmail.com.

We will ship the bag within 5 days of receiving the winner’s address. Once shipped, within the United States of America, item could take up to 2 weeks to receive. Internationally could take up to 4 weeks.

Author: Amy

I'm 32 years old and married to the best man on Earth! No Doubt is my favorite band, they inspire me everyday. I remember getting my first computer when I was 14 and wanting to make a website about them. Now, 18 years later, I'm a Computer Programmer/Web Designer and STILL making a website about them. I'd like to thank No Doubt for that!

19 thoughts on “Harajuku Mini Giveaway! (CLOSED)

  1. OneMoreSummer says:

    I love EverythingInTime.com because it’s easily one of the best fansites ever. And I think it’s really clever the use of the song title “Everything In Time” as in fact you keep all fans updated on time.

  2. Kiera says:

    I love EIT because it is easily one of the best no doubt fan sites, and has tons of pictures, news, and anything ND imagined! Even no doubt themselves ha taken noticed! Also, the webmasters Rosie, Fabio, and Amy are the sweetest, most awesome No Doubters ever!

  3. marcodacious says:

    I love EIT for devoting attention to ‘No Doubt’ details. All things Dumont (guitar), Bradley (trumpet & keyboard), Young (drums), Stefani (vocals), Kanal (bass), and McNair (trombone & keyboard). Past and present; and ‘Everything In Time’. Unreservedly to it. And lastly, ‘No Doubt’ is ‘Hella Good’! Love ‘Chomz.com’!!!

  4. alice rolland says:

    i love everything in time because it always keeps me up to date with all the latest no doubt/gwen news and everybody is super nice on here too. what more can i say i love this website!

  5. Jorge Castillo says:

    I looooooooooooove everything in time. I come here daily ever since the start because even if its slow news you guys always have something for us. You guys are very dedicated and hardworkers and it shows because you’ll always have us dedicated readers. 🙂

  6. Elizabeth Jarvis says:

    I love EIT because it keeps me updated on all things Gwen!

  7. GGNDrock says:

    EIT. com is the only 3 bestest ND websites ever: EIT, JustND.net and BSO!
    It’s an awesome site you lot have going, really is amazing! I couldn’t do a website that amazing and up-to-date (Fabio, Amy and Rosie) with life, jobs and family that you have, so it’s really good/nice that you do it! 😀

  8. Ericka says:

    I <3 EIT because it helps me keep track of all the crazy projects ALL of the band members are involved in, not just Gwen and her 3600 projects. EIT elaborated on info we need and has a very dedicated staff! I also looooooove how quick photos and interviews and tweets are updated!

  9. monica l alvarez says:

    I love everything in time because it’s always up to date.

  10. Becky says:

    I like how you guys post every single day and I like how you guys are always up to date especially on Harajuku. ^^

  11. Christy Warren says:

    I just love this site!!! You guys always keep the ND fans updated with new and fresh stuff! Thanks for the dedication to the best bad ever!!!

  12. Ashley says:

    I love EIT b/c it has awesome updates about my favourite band ever!! and because of the cool giveaways like this one!

  13. Mellissa says:

    Ive been in love with Gwen’s style since i was in 6th grade, she is an icon and i love that you keep me up to date with all things Gwen!


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