Solo Saturday

We got a treat for all you Gwen Solo fans. I found this in my old files of Gwen projects. It was used as a Myspace background LONG ago but now I’ve sized it so it can be used as a wallpaper. Who else loves this photo? Enjoy <3 standard widescreen

Daily Download: The Sweet Escape on Ellen

Returning to our ‘The Sweet Escape’ week. today we add the fun performance on Ellen Degeneres Show back on February 9th 2007. There’s a little interview after the song! Enjoy! DOWNLOAD THE SWEET ESCAPE LIVE ON ELLEN DEGENERES SHOW

Daily Download: The Sweet Escape, 4 In The Morning, Now That You Got It and Early Winter

Hey EITers! To wrap up our Gwen Stefani official videos week, I’m adding the 4 final solo era official videos! The Sweet Escape, 4 In The Morning, Now That You Got It and Early Winter! Hope you enjoy it! What an amazing solo era, Ms. Gwen Stefani! 😉 DOWNLOAD THE

The Sweet Escape – Acappella

I guess I’m in an audio mood… maybe because I’m redoing my iTunes? Either way, you guys get the benefits 🙂 Here is Gwen’s ‘The Sweet Escape’ acappella. Enjoy! To save, right-click and ‘save as’ The Sweet Escape (A cappella)