No Doubt #33 on Billboard’s Top 40 Pop Artists of 1992-2012 List

No Doubt is is much-deservingly #33 on Billboard’s new list of the Top 40 Pop Artists from 1992-2012. The week of Oct. 3, 1992, Billboard premiered the Pop Songs radio airplay chart, as then-new Nielsen BDS-based monitoring technology allowed for unprecedented accuracy in gauging the biggest hits on mainstream top

Videos: Ellen in HD 720p

Here it is guys! The performance + Interview on Ellen in HD 720p (unfortunately no 1080i yet). Enjoy! Setlist 09/25 Spiderwebs Interview Looking Hot   Setlist 09/26 Settle Down DOWNLOAD PERFORMANCE + INTERVIEW ON ELLEN IN HD 720p

Video: Partial Acoustic Performance of Looking Hot on C A Vous!

Thanks so much to our friends at @PlatiniumGwenFR for sharing a video of a partial acoustic performance of ”Looking Hot” from No Doubt’s appearance on the French show C à Vous tonight! The band is also scheduled to perform an acoustic version of ”Don’t Speak” on the show tonight. UPDATE:

No Doubt Interview on Sweden’s TV4 This Sunday

Journalist Per Nyberg tweeted that his interview with No Doubt will be airing on Sweden’s TV4 tomorrow,September 30,at 10:15 AM CET. @per_nyberg20 Don’t miss my interview with No Doubt this Sunday at 10.15am CET on @tv4 @Nyhetsmorgon #Nymo @MariaForsblom… UPDATE: Here is the video of No Doubt’s interview: