Ebay Charity Auction Starting Tomorrow

Just to remind, the No Doubt Charity Auction begins tomorrow,June 1st,and lasts through June 11th-good luck to anyone who places a bid! 🙂

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Now that the tour is wrapped and we’re busy recording the new album, we want to put some costumes and vintage memorabilia to good use by auctioning it for charity. The auction will be live from June 1-11, 100% of proceeds will be shared between the following four charities that were personally chosen by the band members.

Animal Acres – Paradise for Farmed Animals & the People Who Love Them

charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations.

The ALS Association encourages scientific research to find a cure for ALS (also known as “Lou Gehrig’s disease”)

Children’s Hospital of Orange County is a regional pediatric health care hospital which provides preventive medical care, education, and state-of-the-art pediatric biomedical research.

The auction will include costumes from our 2009 US tour as well as guitars Tom used on stage and in videos. Here’s a sneak peak at a few of the items.

Click here to enter your email address and you’ll be notified when the auction goes live.
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According to the e-mail you receive after signing up for the auction,other items include ”instruments we’ve played on stage and in videos, out of print vinyl, Adrian’s old “tuxedo” and some fun things we found in the No Doubt archives.”

2 thoughts on “Ebay Charity Auction Starting Tomorrow

  1. carrie says:

    do you know how to get to the auction website or have a link. i can’t find anything on ebay or any other site? thanks for your help.


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