No Doubt turn’s 30 this year, and we are cooking up something very special to celebrate the date!
So stay tuned to and our social media accounts for more details! We are working very hard to celebrate our favorite band on this milestone!

Wouldn’t it be the awesomest thing if NO DOUBT had a 30th concert?? I would be there if I had to break my neck to get there. I really miss my NO DOUBT!!!! The last time I was able to see them live was Saturday night at Gibson Universal Studios November 24, 2012. So I’m having some really bad withdrawals. I’m in need of a ND or a really good support group.
All NobDoubters should come together and share demos, rarities and concerts…. i can’t believe it’s gonna be 30 Years!!
30 years…wow. It would be amazing if they did a special hometown show and invited former members to perform with them…
But I bet they won’t do anything at all