Tony and Diplo from Major Lazer Tweet Each Other About ”Settle Down”

This is interesting-Tony just tweeted Diplo from Major Lazer asking him to get more verses from Jamaican recording artist Busy Signal for the new song ”Settle Down” while Diplo is in Jamaica,and Diplo replied that he thought it is a perfect idea to add a 3rd verse. We already knew that Major Lazer worked with No Doubt on ”Push and Shove” for the new album-we are curious to hear their collaboration with Busy Signal on ”Settle Down”!

@diplo hey wes get some more verses from busy signal for settle down while you’re in JA – tony

@diplo @nodoubt this is perfect idea! 3rd verse back and forth yes?

UPDATE: Tom confirmed via Twitter that Busy Signal is featured on ”Push and Shove”,not ”Settle Down-the mention of him being on the latter song was a typo.

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