@TonyKanal@TomDumontND @nodoubt laying down a beautiful acoustic line on “Easy” http://pic.twitter.com/aQyhIycR
Hi gx http://pic.twitter.com/kMp0phuN
Tupac’s first hologram appearance http://pic.twitter.com/1GA7bSYB
@gwenstefani @TonyKanal @AdrianYoungND @TomDumontND Working on “easy” this record is gonna be so insane!!!!!!! Addict gx
@TomDumontND And now @AdrianYoungND is recording drums in the kitch. Why not?! @nodoubt
Um I forgot the photo duh @AdrianYoungND @nodoubt http://pic.twitter.com/jjxjEyuy
@TonyKanal just called me a #twitterrookie
@NXD2012 We needed a big echoey room
@beaconstreet @adrianyoungnd yes
Tom replied to a fan that he hopes the band will tour in the UK soon:
@ohbudgies @finfinfinney Hope so
@TonyKanal @AdrianYoungND @nodoubt Adrian cutting new drums on “Easy” as we wait for our burritos to arrive for dinner http://twitter.com/TonyKanal/status/192424881202270208/photo/1
@AdrianYoungND wrapping up another great studio day with @markspikestent http://pic.twitter.com/IvKfAnLj