New Tweet: Tony Playing Bass on Undercover

Hope the band has fun working on ”Undercover” again today-we couldn’t agree more about Tony’s bass skills;of course,the whole band is SO talented!

Tony is the tightest bassplayer in this hemisphere today. He is rocking “Undercover”.

Yay,another shot of Tony rocking the bass!

The hands of a master

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Tom replied to a lucky fan!

“@safireskeye: @nodoubt Seems like you have been logging in tons of hours at the studio.” Yes we really want it to be great. 🙂 -Tom

The band also tweeted to remind fans that the of Chiyo dolls signed by Gwen is now open:

@momijiHQ auction is live now. Bid on dolls signed by Gwen.

**UPDATE** ND is continuing their tweeting spree from the studio tonight-LOL at this pic (hint: look at the last label on the mixers.)

Haha… -Tom

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Thanks to Tom for replying to our friends at BSO and revealing that they are deciding which one of 2 versions of ”Undercover” they will be putting on the album!!

“@beaconstreet: We cannot wait to hear “Undercover”! Anything more you can tell us about the track?” There R 2 versions. gotta decide on 1

Yay,hope the band enjoys the rum-and their much-deserved break from the studio!! They have so much to celebrate!

Last night in the studio for a few weeks. Gotta celebrate our progress! Uh oh. -Tom

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