Thanks to London Snog blog for this scan of Gwen’s ELLE UK article! Check out the HQ HEREThe scan is for two pages of the article and features a gorgeous shot of Gwen and a partial excerpt from her candid interview with Shirley Manson;in the excerpt,Shirley asks Gwen what she feels her biggest sacrifice has been-Gwen answers that she while she doesn’t feel that there are many sacrifices,she worries about her children losing their privacy due to the constant media attention.But she also says that her children are very loved and that she hopes that they will grow up fine.Shirley asks Gwen if she ever gets tired of being famous,and Gwen answers that she misses going to places like discount stores.Gwen says that she is exhausted all the time,and that the day before her interview with Shirley,she did the ELLE UK all day long and while she had Zuma with her ast the shoot,she wasn’t able to spend much time with Kingston.She says that the Summer 2009 No Dount tour was the best one she had ever done,and mentioned how emotional and surreal it was for her to be singing her songs about her past relationships while having her children watching her onstage.She mentions how she and her mom would make her clothes when she was little,and how that evolved into her making making her own costumes for early No Doubt shows.The excerpt also includes some quotes that have been posted on a lot of media sites today:
“I’ve been with Gavin for 14 years, and, let’s face it, that is a huge accomplishment.
“I feel so proud of that – it hasn’t been the easiest journey.”
I’d like to have no rules and eat what I want, but I’ve learned over the years that I’m so disappointed when I can’t wear the clothes I want to wear.’
‘And if I let myself down, appear on stage when I’m not looking my best, it’s not fun for me. I just beat myself up about it.’
We will try to have the entire interview transcribed as soon as possible.
I think the photoshoot that Gwen did for ELLE UK may be different than the one Gwen did in NYC on Feb.18,since Gwen mentions in the ELLE UK interview that she did the ELLE UK shoot the day before she talked to Shirley at her house in Beverly Hills,which was back in November.Since Gwen said the day of her fashion show on Feb.17 that she was shooting an ELLE cover the next day,maybe there will be another ELLE cover coming soon? We will keep you posted.

Also,thanks to I♥ND for posting an HQ of the ELLE UK newsstand cover HERE