the voice – live top 8 performances

Tonight the top 8 artists perform for the judges in hope of earning America’s vote. Gwen and Pharrell will be performing “Spark The Fire” live – can’t wait!!!!

Ryan Sill performed Journey’s “Open Arms”. #teamgwen

Spark The Fire live on The Voice #gwenstefani #sparkthefire #pharrell

A video posted by Everything In Time (@everythingintime) on

Taylor sang Lorde’s “Royals”.

Author: Amy

I'm 32 years old and married to the best man on Earth! No Doubt is my favorite band, they inspire me everyday. I remember getting my first computer when I was 14 and wanting to make a website about them. Now, 18 years later, I'm a Computer Programmer/Web Designer and STILL making a website about them. I'd like to thank No Doubt for that!

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