Instagram: “Taking Risks ” on “New paths” by Tom

Tom has shared a really pretty picture on Instagram with the following quote:

A big part of creativity is having the courage to take risks. For me, this means getting out of my comfort zone, & trying something different, wacky, quirky etc. It’s about telling an old story a new way, or finding a new path never before taken. Sometimes when we take a risk, we fail, & learning from that is an important part of the process. When I joined ND way back in the day we were more of a ska band, and I had a hard-rock musical background. They took a chance and embraced what was different about me, and we fused our styles together into something new. I’m excited about the new paths ahead, and looking forward to taking more risks!

This really put our curiosity and excitement on high level! What do they have in mind? What to expect on the future of No Doubt? Guess we’ll have to wait and see!

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