Wind It Up on So You Think You Can Dance

taken from: TV Squad
Mark danced to “Wind It Up” (Original Neptunes Version) by Gwen Stefani. That’s right he danced to a Gwen Stefani song. I’ve said he was effeminate before and I’ll say it again. If you still don’t agree with me after watching that solo, then we’ll just have to agree to disagree. He’s kitschy and quirky and his style has a definite female quality. You’ll see when he gets cast as the star of Cabaret on Broadway. If he can even carry a tune, he would be perfect for it. By the way … loved the suspenders. Loved them.

Author: Amy

I'm 32 years old and married to the best man on Earth! No Doubt is my favorite band, they inspire me everyday. I remember getting my first computer when I was 14 and wanting to make a website about them. Now, 18 years later, I'm a Computer Programmer/Web Designer and STILL making a website about them. I'd like to thank No Doubt for that!

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