”Settle Down” Being Sent to US Radio at 3:01 AM EST on July 16!

How exciting!! Interscope Promotion just tweeted that ”Settle Down” will officially be sent to US radio at precisely 3:01 AM EST on Monday,July 16,the same day of course that the song becomes available for download in the US and the video debuts on TV during the E! special and online on Vevo and NoDoubt.com!!! Interscope is asking radio stations to let them know when they will be debuting the song so that Interscope can RT. I had put together a ”Push and Shove Support Thread” on the official No Doubt forum here that has contact information for radio stations in all 50 states,as well as international stations,and other helpful information to support ”Settle Down” and future singles and videos from ”Push and Shove”. Be sure to check it out and request ”Settle Down” from your local radio stations-let’s all help the song reach #1 on the charts!!

@INTERSCOPEPROMO US Radio Sending @nodoubt ‪#SettleDown‬ Monday 7/16 at 3:01AM EDT let us know when u will be debuting and we will RT

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