Official Gibson Show Post – First Night

Both Sandra and Brandon are at the first show tonight! We will bring you all the updates in this post. They’ll be sending over pictures, setlist and more! I’m so jealous! Featured image courtesy of Scott Borden. All these pictures are exclusive to EIT, please do not use on other websites.

Say hello to Jaime!

People are lining up!

On the way in


photo concert ticket, 6 postcards and button


These are the only shirts with the tour dates

Tote, water bottle, key chains, mints shaped like guitar picks, wristband

Even Snoop likes to drink his water from a No Doubt Push & Shove gym bottle 😉

Author: Amy

I'm 32 years old and married to the best man on Earth! No Doubt is my favorite band, they inspire me everyday. I remember getting my first computer when I was 14 and wanting to make a website about them. Now, 18 years later, I'm a Computer Programmer/Web Designer and STILL making a website about them. I'd like to thank No Doubt for that!

3 thoughts on “Official Gibson Show Post – First Night

  1. Amy says:

    I have a feeling on their world tour they’ll do Brazil! Tony mentioned about going to South America 🙂 I hope they do!! https:/interviews/new-tony-interview-with-brazils-portal-rockline/

  2. Elmo says:

    That yellow shirt would totally make make my belly sparkle and swim with dolphins.


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