UPDATE: No Doubt shared an awesome photo of themselves backstage before their 2003 Super Bowl halftime show performance!
Today is bringing back memories. This was right before we played with @OfficialSting at halftime – So incredible! pic.twitter.com/rZ3nH5S5pH
— No Doubt (@nodoubt) February 2, 2014
And Tom shared that he is rooting for this year’s halftime show performers,the Red Hot Chili Peppers:
I'm rooting for the @ChiliPeppers today
— Tom Dumont (@TomDumontND) February 2, 2014
On this Super Bowl Sunday Gwen has sweetly been recalling No Doubt’s epic 2003 Super Bowl halftime show performance,sharing on her social media pages a link to the video of the band’s performance,as well as a photo of her amazing sparkly outfit she wore that day and even the classic photo of her teenage self meeting future halftime show duet partner Sting backstage at a Police show back in 1983. No Doubt’s Super Bowl performance truly was unforgettable!
Superbowl 2003. Sparkly costume for a sparkly night #superbowl #sting xo gx
#bestnightever @nodoubt and @officialsting played #superbowl. crazy!! gx #dreamsdocometruetimestwo http://t.co/dRCgbvlUb2
— Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) February 2, 2014
chunky me 1983. getting @officialsting autograph backstage. cut to… pic.twitter.com/Uj1dmN9GPL
— Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) February 2, 2014
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