No Doubt on The Daily Beast’s List of the Most Anticipated Releases of 2012

Thanks to Pablo for the info,we can add The Daily Beast to the long list of media outlets that have included No Doubt on their list of The Most Anticipated Releases of 2012. It’s been great to see the band make so many of these lists!

In the decade-plus since this multi-platinum-selling ska-pop quartet released its last album, Rock Steady, lead singer Gwen Stefani stepped away from the band to have children with Bush frontman Gavin Rossdale and forge a chart-topping, arena-rocking career as a solo artist. Although No Doubt’s new disc was scheduled for release this year (with recording begun in 2008), the group punted its rollout into 2012. “We don’t want to rush this album just to get it out,” the band said in a statement. But does out of earshot mean out of mind? As evidenced by No Doubt’s rumored announcement as a co-headliner for 2012’s Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival—and, moreover, the excitement that news caused—the fans apparently haven’t forgotten them or moved on.

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