Hello No Doubters! How are you?
Well, I’m here because I need your help on my new project.
This project consists in a multi-cam dvd of the August 2nd 2009 concert.
A multi-cam dvd is a dvd made of various videos from the songs, using a good quality audio track, so we can have a nice dvd of the 2009 tour.
I chose the August 2nd concert cause, in my and many other fans opinion, it was the best concert made in OC.
I need you to tell me if you have any videos from that concert. The more the better, so the editing is more dynamic.
This is the first step into this big project. In the near future I’ll tell you guys how it will be avaible for everyone.
I’m also thinking in making a contest for the artwork and stuff, but it’s too early to think on that.
I hope you like the idea and help me to make this project come true.
I’m waiting for your videos!
Thanks a lot NDers!
Hey sweetie, that was the show I had the crappiest seats for, but here are a couple of links to my videos that I attempted to take. 🙂
I tried to put more links, but it wouldn’t let me. Let me know if you want them. 🙂