This month’s featured fan is Jill! Check her little interview below!
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How did you become a fan?
I learned about No Doubt through my brother John. He introduced me to their music when I was in High School He was in to Rock, Punk, and Alternative music. I liked No Doubt a lot. When No Doubt came out with their “ Tragic Kingdom “ album I became one of their biggest fans. Since that album I have grown to love No Doubt so much . Their music has inspired me everyday. That’s mostly what I listen to at home, or in the car. No Doubt you are my # 1 Favorite Rock star singer. No Doubt you are my # 1 Favorite Rock group.
Do you have a Favorite No Doubt Memory?
Yes, When I went to go see No Doubt in concert in Chula Vista, California in 2009! I was having so much fun singing, and dancing along to all my favorite No Doubt songs. When the show was over I was so excited to buy some No Doubt memorabilia.
What about your Favorite Era?
My favorite era was the 80’s! I loved everything from all the fashion , music, hairstyles, make-up, and slang talk. It was a wild, crazy, and fun time to express yourself in such a carefree way!
If you had to choose Your Favorite No Doubt Song, what would it be?
I love all of No Doubt’s songs. But my # 1 Favorite song of them all is “Underneath it all”
What is your most prized No Doubt possession?
My most prized possession is a signed lithograph print of No Doubt’s “ Push and Shove “ It was signed by Gwen, Tony, Tom, Adrian of No Doubt . Also signed from the original artist. It is so beautiful and I love it so much! I was very blessed to be given this lithograph was given to me by a very special No Doubter Friend, and Fan for my Christmas present! I was so surprised, and so excited! I love it!
What is one thing that you want to achieve during this new No Doubt Era, a No Doubt Dream if you will?
I would love to meet No Doubt in person to have V.I.P. seats to see them in concert and backstage passes to meet them take pictures, and sign some of my No Doubt stuff.
Two more questions. If there was something that you wanted No Doubt to do during this tour, what would that be?
I would love for No Doubt to have a meet and greet day with their fans. A day where No Doubt can talk with their fans, and we can ask questions, sign memorabilia , ect. Or have a “ No Doubt Day “ somewhere “ Disneyland “ or have it at an arena to meet fellow No Doubter’s buy No Doubt stuff, and have a Concert from No Doubt to celebrate our favorite group!
Last question. Is there anything you would like to say to the band, you know if they happen to read this?
Hi No Doubt, My name is Jill Bridenstine, and I am your # 1 biggest fan! I want to say “ Thank You “ so much for creating such a positive band to look up too! No Doubt you are my # 1 role models! Thank You for creating some of rock’s favorite music, and songs through the years. No Doubt I want you to know that you inspire me everyday through your music, interviews, and concerts. Thank You No Doubt for always keeping your image to such a high standard up to all your fans! No Doubt it has been so much fun to see all the changes not only in your music, but through your fashion, styles, trends, hairstyles and make-up to share with your fans! There is no one like you No Doubt ! I love you No Doubt that you are so different from any band out there. You have such a unique sound, quality to your music. I love how you take a little of everything from ska, reggae, rock, pop, ect. No Doubt it’s so awesome how we never hear anything bad about you from the press or news. You have always kept your image clean, respectful, loving, and true to all your fans! I Love you No Doubt, so much! You bring so much Joy, and Happiness into my life! Thank You for all the things you y do for your fans, and through music. No Doubt you are so talented through all your singing, writing, performing, and playing all my Favorite No Doubt songs! My wish is to someday meet all of you, and get to tell you in person “ Thank You “ for giving me so much happiness, love, and inspiration. In my life. I am having so much fun following your music as a group, and as amazing role models! No Doubt may I be inspiration to you for all that you have given to me! May I inspire all you No Doubters to know that we are all one big family , and I Love You too! Thank You to “ Everything in Time “ for honoring me as a “ Featured Fan of the Month “ for my # 1 Favorite rock group “ No Doubt “ I am so excited to be picked out of so many No Doubter fans to represent No Doubt’s featured fan! Thank You to all of you with all my heart! I really appreciate this honor so much! Sincerely Jill Bridenstine your No Doubter “ Featured Fan”.