Gwen performed at Genentech’s National Sales Meeting

Last week Gwen Stefani’s sound engineer, Eddie Caipo, shared on his Facebook page, that Gwen and her band were rehearsing in Burbank, CA for an upcoming performance and one of her dancers shared on his Snapchat account that she would be performing in Las Vegas. Yesterday fans reported on Twitter that her band had landed in Vegas but no details were being divulged about this performance till videos and pictures started popping up online on social media. She performed a full set for Genentech’s National Sales Meeting that happened on Mandalay Bay. We will share more details on her performance as soon as they show up online. See below for pictures and short videos of her performance.


“Just keep on dancin” #workhardplayhard #gwenstefani

Um vídeo publicado por Mandel N Holly (@all__en) em

An amazing performer! #loveherenergy #gwenstefani

Uma foto publicada por Mandel N Holly (@all__en) em

In yo face 😜 #agreatsurprise #thankful #gwenstefani #vegasnightlife

Um vídeo publicado por Mandel N Holly (@all__en) em

This shit is bananas, b a n a n a s 🍌 #GwenStefani #WheresPharrell #ThatsMyShit

Um vídeo publicado por Roland Anorico (@roland_anorico) em

😍😍 #thatsmyshit #gwenstefani

Um vídeo publicado por roguedesigns (@roguedesigns) em

What a performer! Style, beauty and talent .. #gwenstefani#talent#simply#flawless#beauty#fashionista

Um vídeo publicado por Michele da Silva (@nycmickstr) em



2 thoughts on “Gwen performed at Genentech’s National Sales Meeting

  1. Katie says:

    Any idea how much it costs to hire Gwen for a private show?


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