Signature Sunday
Signature time! Enjoy 🙂
Signature time! Enjoy 🙂
Here are some avatars and icons! 180×180 80×80
Today is Facebook Friday! Enjoy 🙂
With everyone sharing No Doubt’s Oi To The World cover these past few days, it made me realize that Gwen is still the same person she was back then. Happy Throwback Thrusday <3
Happy Wednesday! We hope everyone had a great Christmas yesterday 🙂 Desktop: Tablet:
Merry Christmas No Doubters! Did any of you get the new Vogue magazine with Gwen on the cover for Christmas? If not, make sure you go out and pick it up. Here are a few GIFs from the behind the scenes footage.
It’s Christmas Eve No Doubters! I hope you guys have all your shopping finished. This week’s images are taken from the recent Vogue magazine spread and the behind the scenes footage. This photoshoot inspired me to go towards a more antique feel. Hope you guys like it <3 Android (moveable)
Thanks to gwencouture for scanning a short Gwen interview featured in the October issue of German Vogue;we loosely translated it below. Forever loud No Doubt are back. On their first album in eleven driving the band to Gwen Stefani rock again Everything seems gleibend female in the Siren Studios in