VIDEO: Hella Good on iHeartRadio Festival in HD 1080i
Here’s the first HD video from the iHeartRadio Festival guys! The files are huge, so I’ll be adding one per day! This is Hella Good! DOWNLOAD HELLA GOOD LIVE ON iHEARTRADIO FESTIVAL
Here’s the first HD video from the iHeartRadio Festival guys! The files are huge, so I’ll be adding one per day! This is Hella Good! DOWNLOAD HELLA GOOD LIVE ON iHEARTRADIO FESTIVAL
We have tried to transcribe (as best as we could hear!) the lyrics for the new album. Thank you to No Doubt & iTunes UK for streaming it a week early and making our lives brighter! Click on the links below and you’ll be taken to to view them.
Thanks to LiamMMacBTW for the heads up! Nevercommitting on tumblr uploaded an instrumental version of Settle Down! Check it out, we love it! CHECK IT OUT ON EITMEDIA.COM NOW!
We tried to do our best to transcribe… let us know if you hear anything differently? So exciting!! If you haven’t heard it yet, go check out the 6 minute song at: I’m fine…. Get-get-get in line and settle down Get in line and settle down What’s your twenty?
A fan sent us a 8-bit remix of Let Me Blow Ya Mind by VibeSquaD. Check it out below!! VibeSquaD refix (8-bit mix) Um fã nos enviou um remix 8-bit da música Let Me Blow Ya Mind de autoria do DJ VibeSquaD. Confira logo abaixo!! VibeSquaD refix (8-bit mix)
I’ve been listening to WBWC 88.3FM The Sting‘s 18-hour No Doubt Marathon all day long and earlier sent this song in for them to play. Seems like they love it as much as me, they’ve played it 2 times in the last 2 hours! It’s so beautiful! This is my
Here is part 2 of the 120 Minutes Interview. ROS Era is one of my favorites! Thanks again to Jamie for sending this over! Enjoy and let us know what you think! DOWNLOAD INTERVIEW ON MTV 120 MINUTES PART 2 (right click, save as)
Today’s daily download is the official video of Hollaback Girl. Enjoy 🙂 DOWNLOAD HOLLABACK GIRL OFFICIAL VIDEO
Today’s video is Simple Kind Of Life from Nulle Part Ailleurs. Once again, the video colors are a bit crazy, sorry about that! But still a great performance and lovely song 🙂 DOWNLOAD SIMPLE KIND OF LIFE – LIVE ON NULLE PART AILLEURS 2000
Check out this great video of No Doubt on Nulle Part Ailleurs. I’m not sure what is going on with the color, but it’s still a great performance! DOWNLOAD EX-GIRLFRIEND – LIVE ON NULLE PART AILLEURS 2000
Final song from the Munich 2000 mini concert! With you the energetic and amazing ‘Just a Girl’! DOWNLOAD JUST A GIRL LIVE IN MUNICH 2000
It’s the 1st of the month, so we are giving you a concert! This one is Den Haag, as voted by the fans. This is the full video, sorry we couldn’t break it up into individual songs, every time we tried the audio and video got out of sync. We