Gwen is on the cover of the November issue of Canada’s Fashion Magazine,which hits newsstands on October 10! The cover is a breathtakingly gorgeous,never-before-seen shot from one of Gwen’s past L’Oreal shoots! We had posted another photo from the same shoot HERE. We will try to have the article up as soon as possible-here’s the description: ”WHITE HEAT Renaissance woman Gwen Stefani spends little time basking in past glories—she’s too busy preparing for the next one.” Hope all you Canadian fans are able to pick up a copy-if you do,please feel free to send in scans!!
UPDATE-We have more details of Gwen’s cover story from CoverSell! The editor-in-chief of Fashion Magazine reveals that she always wanted to have Gwen grace the cover of the magazine,and that her dream finally came true when the magazine’s beauty editor flew to France back in May to interview Gwen. The cover photo was also taken in Cannes during Gwen’s L’Oreal shoot there. Again,we will try to have the whole article,including the new interview,up as soon as a possible!
The November issue of FASHION features cover girl, Gwen Stefani. A total of nine “entry points” give consumers lots of reasons to make an impulse connection. The white background is strong. The benefits are numerous. The fun factor is obvious.
Editor-in-Chief Bernadette Morra had this to say:
“I have been after Gwen Stefani for a FASHION cover ever since I arrived at this magazine more than two years ago. I think Gwen is a perfect FASHION cover girl – a glamourous mom, talented performer and fashion devotee. My dream finally came true last spring when our beauty editor Sarah Daniel flew to Cannes to interview Gwen during the Cannes Film Festival. The cover photo was also taken in Cannes.”
UPDATE 2-Here is a bigger version of the cover-hopefully an HQ will be available soon!
Ja Canada eh ! 😉