As reported earlier,Gwen taped a 30-minute interview for the CNN series ‘Icon’ this afternoon as part of her Fashion Week press.It’s not known yet exactly when her interview will air,but I found out a little more info about the show itself: it’s broadcast monthly on CNN International and focuses on style, design, culture and visual arts.It doesn’t look like Gwen will be featured in the February episode of Icon,according to the synopsis posted HERE,but just in case,these are the airtimes for the show:
Thursday 24 February: 1230, 1830
Saturday 26 February: 0730, 1600, 2330
Sunday 27 February: 0430, 0830, 1930
(All times GMT)
Since the times are in GMT,I’m not sure if the show will be airing in the US,but even if it doesn’t,it looks like CNN posts clips from the Icon show online.Again,we will keep you posted on Gwen’s interview will be airing.
**UPDATE** According to Gwen’s NYC publicist,Laura Claps,Gwen’s interview on CNN ‘Icon’ will ar on either March 23 or 24th!
@Laura5710 Should be either March 23 or 24! RT @csalvino When is Gwen’s CNN icon interview airing? Thank you.
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