Wow! I just came by this AMAZING Tragic Kingdom cover illustration made by the talented artist Lauren Chaikin! This is such a great piece of art! We LOVE it!
This is what she wrote about it:
This is my contribution to a Cleveland gallery show titled, “Album of the Year” (the opening of which is THIS FRIDAY THE 11TH), where the artists were asked to reimagine their favorite album covers. No Doubt is one of my favorite bands, and “Tragic Kingdom” has been a mainstay in my musical taste since I first heard it as a kid. It got the Japanese-esque cutesy “kawaii” style because A) Gwen Stefani, the lead singer, based her solo career on that style, so it fit the bill; and B) I freaking love it!
The entire image was created in Adobe Illustrator CS4 and 5.
Here are more pics showing the process of making it!
Wow! Estava navegando pelo Instagram e achei essa ilustração ANIMAL da capa do Tragic Kingdom, feita pela talentosa artista Lauren Chaikin! Que show de bola que ficou!! A gente amou!!
A ilustração foi toda feita com o Adobe Illustrator.
Veja mais fotos da produção da ilustração.
Que bonitinhooooooooooo
Demaaaaaaaais! \o/