Audio: Tom interview with Toazted from 2001

No Doubt shared, in their official YouTube channel, a interview Tom did with Toazted back in 2001, right after Rock Steady was released and he talks about No Doubt’s history and the band’s chemistry, among a some of other subjects. It’s a really good interview!

Instagram: Gwen attends VH1’s Barely Famous premiere

#barelyfamous @sarahfoster @erinfoster #happyforumuffins gx Uma foto publicada por Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) em Mar 12, 2015 às 11:02 PDT #girlpower Uma foto publicada por Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) em Mar 12, 2015 às 11:51 PDT Getting my hair did @kristoffballsalon #blond #homie #myfirsthairdresser #theoriginal ️gx Uma foto publicada por Gwen Stefani

FASHION Magazine Outtakes

Simply gorgeous! Check out these outtakes of Gwen’s photoshoot for FASHION Magazine, courtesy of photographers Mark Williams and Sara Hirakawa. So stunning!