No Doubt just tweeted and posted on the official site to remind everyone to vote for the band in MTV’s Musical March Madness tournament. As we mentioned,the band is up against Van Halen in the first round,voting for which ends this Sunday,March 18,at midnight EST. No Doubt is currently winning with over 59% of the vote-let’s be sure to keep voting and spreading the word for them to advance to the next rounds and be crowned MTV’s Musical March Madness tournament champions!!
MTV’s annual Musical March Madness Tournament has begun and voting is NOW OPEN for No Doubt’s first round match up! Van Halen is their opponent for Round 1 so vote now.
Click here to vote and help them advance to the finals. No Doubt’s matchup is located in the “West” bracket on the left side. Voting for Round 1 ends THIS SUNDAY at midnight ET so vote now!
Help campaign for No Doubt to win the 2012 Musical March Madness trophy by using the hashtag #MMM on Twitter and by posting Facebook and Twitter Badges. Badges are available for download when you vote.
No Doubt is one of 64 bands competing for the Musical March Madness trophy, the winners of each matchup advance to the next round and the winner of the final matchup will be crowned the champion so vote now. Don’t forget, voting for Round 1 ends this Sunday at midnight ET.