Yay,Tony just tweeted a photo from The Cure concert he is attendng tonight at the Pantages Theater in LA! No Doubt has always mentioned what an influence and inspiration The Cure has been to them-we hope Tony is having an amazing time at the concert!!
The Cure! – tony pic.twitter.com/o95LKP2H
EDIT-Another tweet!!
Yes! Hearing Fire in Cairo live!!! pic.twitter.com/lSC2pCxi
The Forest! No better way to spend a Monday night in LA – tony pic.twitter.com/P927k4hY
YAY,Adrian is at the concert,too!!!!
This is so fun to watch the cure doing a special set. Adrian pic.twitter.com/o1QiKREN
Jumping some one else’s train http://pic.twitter.com/K8nZt9HF
Boo ya! http://pic.twitter.com/czUXOCl6
Best encore ever! – tony http://pic.twitter.com/VGL7be1T