Aah,Tom is making us even MORE excited with his latest tweets!!!
@TomDumontND Sooo close folks!
@TomDumontND “@joeyishellagood: @TomDumontND Do you enjoy teasing us, Tom???” Sorry, just getting excited. 🙂
@TomDumontND “@AnthonyGorry: Loving today so much….MUSIC LOVE ..@markspikestent @nodoubt @tomdumontnd @adrianyoungnd i @tonykanal @gwenstefani” Me 2!
@TonyKanal I know I’ve said this before but @markspikestent showing u how 2 mix is like Ben Kenobi showing u how 2 use the Force http://pic.twitter.com/L9XekpT7
Jimmy Iovine is in the house! Ps: and so is my favorite hat 🙂 gx http://pic.twitter.com/uq9B3is7
Making music gx http://pic.twitter.com/sgpijlZu
@TomDumontND Tony: “Push and Shove” G’night folks! http://pic.twitter.com/ZCNNK9F3
@TomDumontND @NXD2012 mixing in April. release date unknown…
@TomDumontND @AntoinetteGags as soon as we get the date, we’ll let you know.