Gwen Tweets from the Studio!

Gwen has been tweeting from the studio today,where she is working on vocals! She looks gorgeous,as always,and she also tweeted rapper/singer Azealia Banks asking her if she wants to sing on the new No Doubt album! We are curious to see how that develops!

@azealiabanksu wanna sing on our record? Got a spot for u gx

oops, auto correct! gx

@AZEALIABANKS wanna sing on our record? Got a spot for u gx

Time to sing!

How cool! Azealia Banks just replied to @nodoubt,saying ”Hell Ya!” to Gwen’s offer! She seems pretty excited about it,too(who wouldn’t be?!) Wonder if she really will end up singing on the record!

@nodoubt hell yea !



Anthony Gorry of Brixton Angels just tweeted that he played Azealia Banks’ record for Gwen and Tony today,and that they loved it and are excited to work with her!!

@AZEALIABANKS I played your record to Gwen Stefani & Tony from @nodoubt today in the studio.Very excited they loved your trip x Soon come…

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