Awesome Photos of Tony on Steve Erle’s Website

We had mentioned how Tony tweeted earlier tonight that he was excited about the EXPOSURE exhibit happening at the Siren Studios in LA that featured the works of photographers Steve Erle and Pete Black. Now Erin just tweeted an adorable pic of herself kissing an AMAZING photo of Tony by Erle that apparently is included in the exhibit,and thanks to Gwen Ann for the heads up,there are even more absolutely awesome photos of Tony (and even some of Tony with Erin and daughter Coco) from the same shoot on Erle’s website!! (Click ”Celebrity/Music” and then ”Portfolio 2” to see them!!)

3 thoughts on “Awesome Photos of Tony on Steve Erle’s Website

  1. Lori says:

    That is RAD – The photo of Tony by himself was amazing – but now with Erin in the foreground kissing him like that – It’s EPIC – Like its own separate exhibit!!!

  2. Lori says:

    That is RAD – The photo of Tony by himself was amazing – but now with Erin in the foreground kissing him like that – It’s EPIC – Like its own separate exhibit!!!


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