Anthony Gorry ‘’Settle Down’’ Remix Posted at

As promised,No Doubt has posted a third ‘’Settle Down’’ remix on the official site-it’s the Anthony Gorry remix,and it sounds fantastic!! It was revealed that Gorry played keyboards on several songs from Push And Shove,and will be releasing two more remixes of tracks from the album next month. The band will be sharing yet another ‘’Settle Down” remix tomorrow-can’t wait!

Click PLAY below to hear “Settle Down” Remix #3 from producer, songwriter and Brixton Angels member Anthony Gorry!

Gorry, who also played keyboards on several songs from Push And Shove, will be releasing two more remixes of tracks from the album next month.

Check out the Events section for all of the Push And Shove album release dates and we’ve got remix #4 coming your way tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Be sure to follow @nodoubt on Twitter as well as @gwenstefani, @adrianyoungND, @tomdumontNDand @tonykanal and Like No Doubt on Facebook to stay up-to-date with No Doubt news.

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