Just to mention it,the Harajuku Lovers fragrances will again be presented on US home shopping channel HSN tomorrow,July 5,during the 6 AM,11 AM,4 PM and 8 PM EST hours. According to the program description at HSN.com,the featured item will be the Wicked Style Gift Set,which is a Customer Pick and includes 1 oz. bottles of the G,Music and Baby Wicked Style scents and a tin beauty box;the event price is $81,and shoppers can opt for a payment plan of four payments of $20.25 each. Usually during the presentations,HSN airs older clips of Gwen talking about the fragrances or footage of Gwen at the Sephora launch of the Wicked Style scents from last September.
**UPDATE** HSN is also offering a sale on the ‘G of the Sea’ fragrance-if you buy one 1 oz. ‘G of the Sea’ scent for $45,you get one .33 oz bottle of it free. Check out the sale HERE.