Tony Tweeted this morning from NYC(he,Tom,Erin and Mieke are in New York for Gwen’s L.A.M.B. runway show this week)-he said they all had a great time time last night.He also ReTweeted a video posted by animal sanctuary Animal Acres, a cause he is very supportive of;he is featured in the video along with other vegetarian rock stars who speak out for animal rights.The video also features footage from the Animal Acres fundraising gala that he,Tom and Adrian attended the other night.
good morning NYC! one great night with great friends already. what do you have in store for us today? tony
Animal_Acres I uploaded a YouTube video — Veggie Rock Stars Speak Out At Animal Acres
EDIT-Thanks to Anne from for finding,here are photos of Tony and Erin at the Animal Acres Fundraising Gala the other night-Erin looks so pretty! 🙂