What an amazing journey!
Today we’re celebrating the 8th birthday of Everything In Time.com! As a founder of the website, I can say I’m really proud of what EIT represents today to the fans and to the band. We’ve put a lot of hard work into it, but it’s all worth it! Because of EIT I was able to make one of my biggest dreams come true, meeting the band! I’d like to thank all the other members of our staff for the amazing work: Daiana, Amy, Rosie, Phil and Stephen. Last but not least, I’d like to thank, of course, the fans that are so loyal to us!
A special thanks goes to Gwen, Tom, Tony and Adrian for all the love and the support over all these years! You are the main reason this website is still alive. All the work and effort we put into it represent a small part of the love we have for you!
I hope that we can stay around for more 8 years, bringing you the lastest in the No Doubt world!
YAY!!! Happy Birthday,EIT! 😀