Gwen's Most Honest Beauty Quotes

bellaFrom BellaSugar:

One thing that makes Gwen Stefani so captivating is her honesty. She’s so forthcoming, in fact, that many of her songs feature personal details about her life and emotions. Similarly, when it comes to beauty, Gwen is not one to put a spin on things. See some examples of Gwen keeping it real when you read more.

On her appearance: “I mean, I’m very vain. That would be my middle name. Of course I am, you know what I mean? I love the visual,” as quoted in Elle’s May issue.

“I wear makeup every single day; I like to wear makeup for [my husband] and I don’t feel energized ’til I’ve put it on,” as said by Gwen in April’s Elle UK. On a related note, she also explained to StyleList, “My husband really loves the red [lipstick], so I keep the red because I want to keep the husband.”

In 2004, in regards to cosmetic surgery, a pre-motherhood Gwen told People, “I’m hoping my children will save me from my vanity. If it doesn’t, plastic surgery is an option . . . It sucks to have to grow older. We all have to accept it.”
“Even when we played with punk-rock bands, I was always girly. The best part is getting made up and then sweating it all off during the concert,” Gwen told Marie Claire.

“I’ve always loved beauty,” Gwen admitted to InStyle, adding, “I was the girl who was like, ‘Ask your mom if we can play with clothes or makeup.’ . . . And you know what? I’m doing the same thing now that I was doing when I was 10.”

On weight: “Clearly, I spend time thinking about it, and it’s something I’ve had to deal with in my life. As I get older, I try not to focus on it. It’s boring. It’s a waste of life. What I have learned is that whether I’m fatter or thinner, people seem to not mind, they like me either way. It’s more in your own mind than anyone else’s,” as stated in Elle UK’s March 2007 issue.

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