just reminded the fans that the final stage of Gwen’s ebay auction for Japan relief will end today,April 25,at Noon PST.Best of luck to anyone placing a bid!!!
Today is the last day to bid in the charity auction! Fans only have until noon today to bid to join Gwen and the Harajuku Girls in Los Angeles for this private event. Available only through this auction, Gwen will personally host an exclusive Harajuku-themed tea at Royal/T on June 7. Other auction items include vintage L.A.M.B. outfits straight from Gwen’s closet and ten limited edition Harajuku Lovers t-shirts with custom labels, signed and numbered by Gwen.
All proceeds benefit Save the Children’s Japan Earthquake-Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund. Auction ends today at noon so click here to bid!
**UPDATE 3PM EST** The auction is almost over! I did a quick tallying of the bids-there may be some last-minutes bids,but so far the final stage of the auction has raised over $27,600!!!! That is wonderful-much congrats to Gwen on the huge success of the auction and cngrats as well to everyone who has placed a winning bid!