Contest Winners!

Hello guys!
As you all know, the contest to win the tickets and meets & greets passes is over.
I’m here to gladly announce the winners!
We chose the winners through randomness, using
Here are the screen shots of the procedure…



So the winners were comment #18 and comment #20, wich means:
Comment #18 owner: Cynthia Bernice Campos
Comment #20 owner: Tara Webb


The plan was to give 1 ticket and 1 meets and greets to each one of the winners, but, StateFarm was SO SO SO nice and gave us 1 extra ticket and meets and greets for each winner!!!!! This was so kind and amazing! Thank you so much StateFarm!

I also need to thank StateFarm once again for a certain and so special thing… we know someone who’s a fan and unfortunately suffers from cancer. With the kind and generous help of StateFarm, I was able to give this person a pair of tickets and meets and greets for the DC concert. I was so happy to help someone in need and kinda make her life a little happier, even if it’s for a few hours.

I really hope these 6 people can make their dream of meeting and band come true!
Congratulations to the winners, once again!
We from EIT.COM are so happy for you all!!

And for those who didn’t win, you still got a chance! Just take StateFarm’s sweepstakes!

Hope you all have an amazing day!

Author: Fabio

What should I write about myself? Ok, Hello! I'm Fabio! I'm 29 years old, I live in Brazil, I have a wonderful family and wonderful friends. I've been a No Doubt fan since 1997 and I can say that ND's music totally changed my life! I'm very proud to be the founder of this amazing website, which I love so much! I'd like to thank all of you for the support over these years, specially No Doubt! <3

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