Part 2 of Gwen’s Interview with BlogHer’s Morgan Shanahan

(Photo Credit: Alexandra,official BlogHer photographer)

Last week we posted Part 1 of an interview blogger (and huge No Doubt fan!) Morgan Shanahan conducted with Gwen for BlogHer. Now,as promised,Morgan has posted more of her interview with Gwen(Part 3 is coming tomorrow!),including some of the questions for Gwen that she invited fans to submit and which she asked Gwen at the Harajuku Mini launch party on Saturday. has requested that the text of their article not be posted on other sites,but you can read the full article here,and a synopsis is below:

In Part 2 of the interview,Morgan asks Gwen about her signature red lipstick,and,as Gwen as stated in the past,she says how she doesn’t use just one shade but rather mixes colors,especially now that she is a L’Oreal spokesperson and the company has been ”hooking her up”. She explains that she goes for more of a blue red than an orange red,although lately she has been using pink red ansd sometimes even burgundy. For all Gwenabees out there,her lipstick beauty tip is: ”You have to go for a blue red. Orange red is more challenging to wear for pale skin and light blondes.” She is asked about another one of her trademarks-her platinum blonde hair-and jokes that some things need to remain a mystery,although she did share again that she follows the ”Marilyn Monroe Rules” when bleaching her hair.

When asked if Harajuku Mini will expand into things like makeup and even furnishings,Gwen replies that even though it would be a lot of work,she would love to do it if Target will let her. She says that the hardest part of designing the Harajuku Mini line was learning to work around all the restrictions that a kids’ collection can have;once she and her team did that,it’s been very fulfilling. She went on to say that everything she’s done in her life has been really natural and organic and that she feels so lucky and grateful for all of the opportunities she has had. Morgan has promised to post the third and final part of her interview with Gwen,which will be a video she shot of Gwen at her Harajuku Mini launch in which Gwen shares more details on the line,including which pieces were directly inspired by her past stage costumes and L.A.M.B. collections. We look forward to it!

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