Designer Brian Lichtenberg Mentions Gwen in a New Interview

In a new interview with Rolling Stone, designer Brian Lichtenberg mentions that a month after he first started selling his clothing out of a friend’s boutique in Hollywood,Gwen was seen in one of his dresses,which made him realize that he could use his creativity to design for the musicians he’s always admired. Nice that Gwen was such an inspiration to him. 🙂

Thanks to that snappy appeal, a lot of musicians gravitate to your work. Did you enter design hoping to establish a strong bond with that creative community?

I was always really inspired by music growing up, but it was never a goal of mine. At the time, it was just a creative outlet to be designing and making clothing and accessories. Just one month after I first started selling my clothing out of my friend’s boutique in Hollywood, however, my dresses ended up on Gwen Stefani. It was then that I realized I could use my talent to dress the musicians I had always admired and listened to.

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