American Idol Screen Caps!
Here are some screen caps of Gwen & Tony on American Idol last night. I hope you guys enjoyed watching the show! 🙂 (These caps are EIT exclusive, please do not use on any other website)
Here are some screen caps of Gwen & Tony on American Idol last night. I hope you guys enjoyed watching the show! 🙂 (These caps are EIT exclusive, please do not use on any other website)
Here I will be updating about American Idol. Keep checking back! I’m trying to edit and post the videos as fast as I can! (All of this content: video, pictures and updates are exclusive to EIT, please do not post these on any other website!) Also,check out this USA Today
Hey guys! Brand new week, brand new theme on Daily Downloads and today we start a week full of the sweet, wonderful, adorable Ms. Gwen Stefani! the most voted option was “The Sweet Escape”, so you’ll be bombarded with performances of this song during the following 7 days! To start
Continue ReadingDaily Download: The Sweet Escape live on American Idol
Thanks to @track_all_star for the heads up,apparantly Gwen was interviewed on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show this morning;the interview was brief and Gwen reportedly confirmed yet again that the new No Doubt album will be out this year,but she’s not sure exactly when. Did anyone hear the interview? We will have