No Doubt Room on

Thanks to Courtney from the No Doubt forum for creating a No Doubt room on the music website,which allows you act like a DJ and play your favorite songs for your friends and others on the Web,in real time,for free. For now, one of your Facebook friends has to be on the site already in order for you to get access. Thanks again to Courtney for sharing 🙂


I started a room on dedicated to No Doubt. If you haven’t seen yet, check it out. You can join if you have a friend on facebook who is a member. There’s an article about it on CNN but basically it’s something between iTunes and Facebook. You get to DJ alongside other people, and everyone hears the same music streaming (real time). You can play the music that’s on the site, or you can add your own mp3s.

Due to regulations on the site, we can’t play only 1 band all the time, so side projects, collaborations, similar bands, inspirations…all welcomed and required to make it work!

Let’s DJ! Let’s play “DJs”


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