All of us here at EIT wish a VERY Happy 42nd Birthday to our favorite drummer,Adrian Young!!! We hope Adrian has a fantastic celebration with friends and family,including the newest member,baby girl Magnolia. Sending Adrian the very best wishes for an amazing year-we cannot wait to hear his drumming on the new No Doubt album and see what creative(and hilarious)outfit(or lack thereof)he comes up with for the next ND tour!! If you have Twitter,don’t forget to post your birthday wishes for Adrian @AdriansBirthday! If you don’t have Twitter,post your birthday messages for Adrian in THIS thread on the No Doubt forum and they will be added for you. (There’s a special birthday Twitter account for Tony,too,@TonysBirthday,so be sure to post a message there as well and spread the word about the accounts!)
EDIT-YAY,No Doubt tweeted this morning to wish Adrian a Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to the one and only Adrian Young!!! Love, Your Bandmates (and their babies)