Wow,this is awesome!! has posted a gallery of the 40 Best Coachella Fan Moments from this year,and a fan named Jorge shared his meeting with Adrian! Adrian revealed that the new No Doubt album is almost finished and he hopes it will be out by fall! He also explained that he broke his foot dancing and that he has been recording the album wearing a cast-what a trouper!
SUNDAY: Access to VIP areas in Coachella was a very surreal part of my festival experience. My most exciting celebrity sightings were Ke$ha, Usher, Katy Perry and Mac and Dee from Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Another strange highlight was striking up a conversation with No Doubt drummer Adrian Young. I learned that No Doubt’s new record is nearly complete and will hopefully be out in the fall. I also noticed Adrian was using a cane and when I asked what had happened, he said, “I broke my foot dancing. I’ve made half this record with a cast on.” — JORGE DEL PINAL