Adrian Posts on about NYC Marathon

Wow,much thanks to Adrian for sharing his experience at the NYC Marathon on’s so inspiring how he continued on despite his pain to finish the marathon.Much congratulations again to Adrian on his amazing accomplishment-all of the fans are so very proud of him! 🙂

What a day at the New York Marathon! I had a head cold for 6 days but that was the least of my problems. For the first 8 miles, I was kicking butt, even though it was 40 degrees. Around mile 9, my right knee, which is not my problem knee, started to breakdown and become painful in a sharp way. I had to pull over and stretch it out many times. I almost pulled out of the race, but after observing a blind runner, a runner with prosthetics on each leg, and other physically challenged people including participants in wheelchairs, I thought that I could at least try to finish. At mile 19, the knee that I have received much treatment on became compromised and painful. What was a 3:40 finish pace became a shuffle with my feet and I could no longer take a full stride. I am disappointed that my finish time was 4:05 but I’m so pleased that I found a place deep inside to finish. For all that enter and finish Marathons, I hold much respect. Thank you all for your support and encouragement in the days leading up to and on the day of the race.

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