The official No Doubt forum is holding its annual Forum Awards,and Everything In Time has once again been nominated for Best No Doubt Website! We are excellent company in that category with our good friends at Beacon Street Online, Everything in Time,,No Doubt Australia, and Greener Pastures. Thanks SO much to all the fans on the forum who organize the awards and vote for us every year-we appreciate your support!! Thanks as well for the nominations for myself(lamb83) and fellow webmaster Amy(amynxdx1982). Much congratulations and best of luck to all the nominees!!
You can vote for one nominee in each category (in some categories, pairs of forumers are nominated as a single nominee).
Send your list of nominess beside the category they are nominated in, in a PM to Forum Awards 2011.
If you do not use the person’s username, and instead use a nickname or their real name, there is no guarantee that your vote will count.
Voting closes at Midnight UK time on August 30th.